I searched high and low for this dress at Forever 21 when I was home, but never found it. By the time I tried to order it online, it was out of stock- buyer’s regret :( I mean seriously, this dress is so perfect for me! At least through polyvore I can dream about how I would wear it… Do you guys have any stories about something you wished you purchased when you had the chance?
P.S. Oh, and I changed the layout a bit! The link to my archive is now located at the top and is viewable as a separate page. What do you think about the changes?
Thanks Sarah!
Aww I hate when that happens! The dress is so cute
I did try to do that, but I guess the store near me never had it in stock! Weird, right?! Thanks for the advice though!
Will do! :)
loving the new layout! that dress is so cute, but im sorry you weren't able to get it!
xx http://madelineweber.blogspot.com/
Def. like the layout! ;) Those shoes are killer.
come by my giveaway today!
Loveeeeeyouur stle & your blog
do you wanne follow as ? than we can follow you back
Would it be possible to call the store and ask if they can track one down? If you're really nice, and it's at another store, they'll sometimes ship it to you or to the store. Although, perhaps with Forever 21's quick restock policy maybe not. :(
Thank you Ellen!
Oh, I am so jealous of your friend! Maybe it will come back in stock…but you're so right, I really don't neeed this dress- I just have to keep reminding myself of that!
nice dress and nice new layout. It's okay :)
Oh dear, am sorry to hear that. I did order this dress for a friend and she looks very pretty in it. I do think that it will go very nicely against your skin tone and be totally lovely on you. I have a lot of buyer's regret (or so i called it) but truthfully i don't need another top, dress or skirt for ages and everything that just slips through my fingers, I'll just comfort myself with that knowledge.
I know how it feels, The same happened to me a long time ago with a dress in Forever21 but it was in the store, i went there I saw it, was so perfect for my friend's wedding but I decided to see other options and come back next week. Next week was sold out and my friend's wedding was the next day =( I had to buy another dress in Forever 21, more expensive and not my style. I learn my lesson and that will never happen again.
I know! :/
That dress is really pretty, it's a shame you couldn't get it!
xoxo ~ Courtney