splurge // steal (arrow graphics via vmac + cheese)
Tell me: Do you guys splurge when it comes to flats? I wear my black flats (the “steal” pair above) all the time and find that I need to replace them every few months- usually because I’ve worn them to pieces or because they’ve become too odorous (not cute, I know). It’s about time for me to replace my current pair and I’m wondering if it’s worth it to spend a bit more money in the hopes that they’ll last longer? Then again, for a pair of shoes that I know will be worn in all sorts of elements and conditions (I’ve said it before, the streets of NYC are not kind to shoes), does it really make sense to spend a bunch of money? I’d love to hear your advice in the comments below!
im the same way, i have to buy every 6 months or so…I would love to hear from someone who spent more and if it’s worth it!
There’s lots of good advice from people here in the comments, but I’m still torn!
In my experience, flats don’t last that long if you walk a lot (even so-called higher quality shoes–they all have thin soles) so why spend a ton of money on them?
That’s been my experience too! However, some people here mentioned that their flats have lasted years and I’ve never had mine last more than a few months, so maybe there’s something to splurging a little?
I absolutely believe that, when it comes to shoes, you get what you pay for. Higher end shoes tend to have less odor issues and be made of better, longer lasting, more comfortable materials. I would say that, if you wanted to have this shoe in several colors, it’s a better idea to buy several of the less expensive ones (and maybe sprinkle them with baking soda from time to time… or store them with newspaper inside them… it’s an excellent odor absorber) but if you want happy feet and one pair of longer lasting shoes, get the splurge. :)
So much good advice here Alison- thank you :) I’m testing out the baking soda idea right now with a pair of black flats- I hope it works!
I hope so, too. Always good to get extra mileage out of the things we buy no matter what price range. :)
when it comes to foot wear, comfort above all else. By far my most comfortable pair of boots cost $24. Which really puts the ones I spent $200 on to shame. The more expensive ones have lasted longer, but I wear the cheap ones far more often, and am bemoaning their rapid deterioration.
You’re so right- comfort is key! I had one pair of flats that totally destroyed my feet for weeks- not good!
I find that regardless, I end up replacing my black flats about every year or two (then again, I wear them A LOT). But I find that paying up is usually worth it. I just got the leather flats from J Crew to save a bit but my faves over the last few years have been my Vera Wang (when you can get them on sale) Lav Label. They are so comfortable, worth every penny!
Thanks so much for the advice Lani! I think based on advice from everywhere here- it is worth it to splurge or at least find a happy medium. I really do like the J. Crew leather flats and I might wait until I have a coupon or something!
Splurge! Although I wouldn’t buy this particular pair unless you have narrow feet. And also patent is prone to cracking when worn in wet weather, or at least it’s a problem I’ve had with patent leather shoes here. The best flats (well, ballet wedges) I have are Cole Haan, but even those don’t hold up fantastically after a few years. I’d say they have to be replaces every 2-3?
2-3 years is sooo much longer than any of my flats have lasted! Based on the sound advice given here, I do think it might be worth it to spend more money than I usually do on a comfortable, solid pair of leather flats. And they probably won’t be patent, especially if they won’t hold up in wet weather- I prefer regular leather anyway.
Eek, really? Do you wear them every day without letting them rest a day in between? That can contribute to shoe breakdown, although if it’s wear on the sole that’s the problem then not even rest will help.
Yep, it’s true. No, I don’t usually wear them two days in a row, but maybe 3-4 times a week (not recently though).
I have a pair of Cole Haan that have lasted several years of heavy use, too. :)